Turning data into competitive advantage

Turning data into competitive advantage

Unlocking the potential of data in the business environment

The business world is always changing and is full of challenges and opportunities that demand quick decision-making and precise insights. Making decisions based on data is no longer a luxury but a necessity in today's competitive environment. Microsoft Power BI allows access to a wealth of data, turning it into insights and helping companies to effectively track their business progress. By utilizing the untapped potential of their data, organizations that use Power BI and its features gain a significant advantage.

Power BI is not just a tool, it is a successful solution for turning bare numbers into insightful and visually compelling analyses that lead to success.

Turning data into actionable insights

Every business encounters the challenge of extracting data from different systems, and data is the new currency in the current digital era. Extracting, reconciling, and consolidating data can be a significant challenge, consuming valuable time for employees.

Organizations collect large amounts of data from various sources, but the true value lies in converting that data into actionable insights. Power BI enables businesses to leverage their data to make informed decisions. It enables users to connect to multiple data sources, transform unstructured data into actionable information, and create interactive presentations.

Why does Power BI stand out?

Microsoft's business analytics solution has exceeded the expectations of 250,000 organizations worldwide, including 97% of the Fortune 500. Companies such as Humana, Nestle and Zurich have embedded a data culture across their entire organization, enabling them to make confident decisions based on relevant information.

It is essential for companies to monitor challenges in real-time. Power BI provides access to reports from any location and device, making business decisions just a few clicks away.

But even more important in today's business environment is the ability to respond quickly to challenges. Business intelligence enables companies to quickly identify outliers and optimize their operations by visualizing data from different sources.

Why Microsoft Power BI:

  • Connectivity with Microsoft 365 and Teams: integration with the most widely used collaboration tools ensures a seamless flow of information.
  • Affordable price and rich features: Power BI combines an affordable price with a wide range of capabilities, including analytics and automated machine learning.
  • Ambition to evolve: Microsoft continuously invests in the development of Power BI, which is regularly updated with new features to remain competent and stable.

Stronger data-driven decision-making

To enable competitive data-driven decision-making in businesses, Power BI is essential. Here are some of the methods that Power BI successfully uses to achieve this goal:

  • Easy integration: allows easy integration with a variety of on-premises and cloud data sources.
  • Variety of functions: offers a variety of data preparation and modeling functions that allow users to transform unstructured data into a form suitable for analysis.
  • Visually appealing data display: one of the main strengths of the tool is the ability to produce attractive visualizations and reports. Users can display data understandably and interactively using a variety of visual elements (charts, graphs, maps, tables, etc.).
  • Advanced analytical tools: by taking advantage of artificial intelligence and machine learning, Power BI with Azure Machine Learning further improves analytical capabilities.
  • Collaboration: multiple users can work together to explore data and make decisions in real-time. This fosters a culture of data-driven decision-making, ensuring that decision-makers have access to relevant information at the right time.
  • Access to reports and dashboards on the go: decision-makers stay connected to key business insights. Mobile accessibility improves decision-making agility by enabling managers to react quickly to changing market conditions and make timely judgments.

It is critical to involve Stroka Business Group employees in using the solution, as it is both technological and educational. Trained experts help users develop data-driven decision-making skills, which enable them to connect data and visualizations to make meaningful insights leading to informed decisions. Trained users are not simply passive observers; rather, they become active co-creators of business strategy.

Creating a service tailored to the business environment

Every business is unique; therefore, the solution's implementation is customized to each client's needs. With over a decade of experience, Stroka Business Group executes implementation projects through an efficient process that includes:

  1. workshops to capture the client's requirements: the needs and objectives of the company are carefully considered.
  2. Data source analysis: investigate and coordinate different data sources.
  3. Presentation of the solution concept: develop a concept that meets the business objectives.
  4. Preparation of architecture and reports: develop an effective architecture according to the validated concept.
  5. User training: train employees to become competent users of the analytical tool.

Extending the use of Power BI with dedicated solutions

Power BI serves as the foundation for creating specialized business analytics solutions. As a result, Stroka Business Group has developed applications tailored for small, medium, and large companies:

  • Lotus BI
    Power BI, a general dashboard application that provides decision-makers in a company with a comprehensive overview of the company's business. The dashboard has added in-depth BI reports for each of the areas.
  • FinCheck dashboard
    An application based on financial indicators that allows you to compare values with operations in Slovenia and around the world.
  • CashFlow Planner dashboard
    A multi-level overview of financial data instantly shows the financial picture of the company, including receipts, expenses, accounts receivable, accounts payable and the closing balance.
  • OEE Dashboard
    An upgrade of the ERP system enables a meaningful analysis of production losses and bottlenecks.

The path from numbers to competitive decisions

With its ability to integrate, analyze, visualize, and react quickly to changes in the business environment, Power BI lays the foundations for robust data-driven decision-making. In today's competitive environment, tracking numbers alone is no longer sufficient. Power BI enables businesses to understand and make effective data-driven decisions, providing them with a competitive advantage and sustainability in today's business environment. Intuitive decision-making, combined with traditional approaches and extensive experience, intertwined with data-driven decisions, paves the way for successful business outcomes.

For more information about our business analytics solutions, please contact us on 02 88 79 780 or email: [email protected].

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